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About Dubrovnik

The value of Dubrovnik was already recognised by UNESCO thirty years ago, in 1979., when the Festival of St Blaise joined the List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in October 2009. The Dubrovnik Republic, representing the golden period of the Dubrovnik history, perfectly regulated the City and its life through its statute and other historic documents.
The first fortifications were built earlier, but the most intense construction took place from the 15th to the 17th century.The ramparts are 25 metres high in places, and from 4 to 6 m. thick on the landward side and from 1-1/2 to 3 m. thick on the seaside.
From each side of the world there are parts of the defence system such as Fort Minčeta, Fort St. Johns, Fort Lawrence and Fort Revelin at Ploče. There are three entrances to the city ramparts: on Stradun by the Pile gate, by Fort St. Johns and by Fort St. Luke, by St.. Dominika street.
Dubrovnik Summer Festival takes special place in cultural part of city life with its musical and theatrical performances which happen in numerous open-air venues ( during July and August).Libertas film festival combines the excitement of the World and European premieres, discovery of new Int'l and Croatian filmmakers, as well as the rich culture and history of the region and the city itself ( 11th to 17th april 2011.)

Citty Walls - Association of Friends of Dubrovnik Antiquities
Gundulićeva poljana 2, 20 000 Dubrovnik
phone: +385 20 324 641, +385 20 324 641, 323 859
fax: +385 20 324 584
Web: www.dubrovnik-heritage.hr
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

 Individual entrance tickets :
- Adults: 70,00 kunas (The entrance ticket is also valid for Fort Lovrjenac. If the visitors first buy entrance tickets for Fort Lovrjenac at the price of 30,00 kunas, they will also have to pay the additional 40,00 kunas for the city walls)
- Children and young people from 5 - 18 years of age: 30,00 kunas (The entrance ticket is also valid for Fort Lovrjenac.)
- Students, journalists, Croatian Army soldiers, policemen and disabled persons: 30,00 kunas
- Residents of Dubrovnik-Neretva County: 30,00 kunas, if they purchase the tickets at the city walls entrances
Admission is free for all the schools of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County upon request, with tickets to be collected from the Society Office, Society members, tourist guides, and group leaders.

Prices of group entrance tickets:

- Adults (voucher): 70,00 kunas

- Children and young people (voucher): 30,00 kunas

- In other exceptional cases such as complimentary entrances, voucher tickets are issued

Each visitor to the city walls should be in possession of either a purchased ticket or one issued on a complementary basis.

If a visitor leaves the city walls, his time of exit should be written on the back of the ticket, allowing only those leaving for a maximum of half-an-hour to re-enter the walls, and only then by the same entrance.

Entrance tickets cannot be paid for in foreign currency.


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